List of Hospitals Close to Atoka, OK

Here are hospitals within a two-hour drive from Atoka, OK, along with their addresses and phone numbers:
- Atoka County Medical Center
- Address: 1200 W Liberty Road, Atoka, OK 74525
- Phone: (580) 889-3333
- Coal County General Hospital
- 14 miles from Atoka
- Address: 6 North Covington, Coalgate, OK 74538
- Phone: (580) 927-2327
- AllianceHealth Durant
- 31 miles from Atoka
- Address: 1800 University Blvd, Durant, OK 74701
- Phone: (580) 924-3080
- Pushmataha Hospital
- 33 miles from Atoka
- Address: 510 East Main Street, Antlers, OK 74523
- Phone: (580) 298-3341
- McAlester Regional Health Center
- 47 miles from Atoka
- Address: 1 Clark Bass Blvd, McAlester, OK 74501
- Phone: (918) 426-1800
- Choctaw Nation Health Care Center
- 73 miles from Atoka
- Address: 1 Choctaw Way, Talihina, OK 74571
- Phone: (800) 349-7026